
Whether you’re a small boutique hotel, a large resort, or a regional hospitality chain – you likely want to provide the best experiences for guests in an efficient way.

Our BSaaS solutions for hospitality allow you to monitor and manage your staff (such as cleaning and rooms service), while monitoring your premises for the safety of your guests and their belongings.

Manage staff & customers

Customer counting

Monitor activity of guests and visitors in popular areas; such as the lobby, restaurants, or pool facilities.

Staff optimisation

Identify peak check-in hours, and peak hours for guests using facilities, to plan your staffing more efficiently.

Staff attendance

Use facial recognition to automatically keep track of staff’s timely attendance, and provide them access to premises.

Manage rooms & facilities

Reduce break-ins and theft

Quickly identify incidents like theft or break-ins to keep belongings secure.

Restrict access

Detect when off-limit areas such as staff-only zones are entered, and securely restrict access to such areas.

Monitor stocks

Keep an eye on stock counts in store rooms, for example to plan your cleaning & laundry services efficiently.

Some of our clients:

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